I got one of my previous snakemake pipelines to run on SOL cluster here at ASU. Happy to see the first output figure generate from it.
I got one of my previous snakemake pipelines to run on SOL cluster here at ASU. Happy to see the first output figure generate from it.
Amanda has confirmed the successful construction of a CRISPR plasmid!
We successfully conducted Hoffman Winston protocol today in the Jiang Lab! It took a while for us to get everything needed for the protocol. I’m glad it worked.
I’m excited that the collaborative project between me and Joe Armstrong from Maitreya Dunham’s lab is out on biorxiv!
This is an expected discovery when using URA3 as a reporter gene to assay mutation rates and spectra using large population of cells.
We found some mutants that are able to survive on 5-FOA without URA3 mutations which led to the discovery of an interesting
category of URA6 mutants that can survive in various conditions where WT and URA3 mutants can’t.
We sent our first PCR sample to plasmidsaurus for sequencing today! Can’t believe they can sequence up to 25kb linear fragments for $15, without cloning. They use the Nanopore long-read sequencing, with 99% accuracy. This is way cheaper than Sanger sequencing and way simpler, with little compromise in accuracy. Can’t wait to get our results back.
Welcome Tianyu — the first official member of the lab!